D: You don't realize what you've done. C: Yes, I do. I've brought to light the real villain and let me give you a hint. It's not me. D: You bankrupted the Waldorf family, that's what paying this dowry is gonna do to them. C: It was that much? No, you left me no choice. It would be one thing losing Blair because she doesn't wanna be with me, but I only lost her because of something you did. Were you ever really my friend or was it all just an act. So you could keep me in check until you got what you wanted? D: Chuck, that is not how any of it happened, and you know it. C: You framed me, and in my book, that makes you the bad guy, not me. B: What's going on? C: Ever since the accident, Dan has been trying to keep us apart so you can have you all to himself. Be honest for once in your life.Tell her the truth, she deserves that. D: He's absolutely right. I'm sorry. 你根本不知道你做了什么。 不,我知道。我把幕后黑手揪了出来,让我提示你,那不是我。 你会让霍道福家破产的,他们要为所有的嫁妆买单。 有那么严重吗? 不,你没有给我选择的余地。我只知道我会失去布莱尔,因为她不想和我在一起,但都是因为你的所作所为,我才会失去她。你当初是真的想和我做朋友还是只是装装样子?以便控制我的行踪,好得到你想要的东西。 恰克,根本不是这样,你心里有数。 你陷害我,在我的字典你,你这样做就是不对,我没错。 怎么了? 从车祸之后,丹就一直想把我们分开,以便他能独占你,你就诚实一次吧,跟她说实话,她应该知道事实。 他一点都没错,抱歉。