GG:February is the shortest month, but the bitter chill makes it feel the longest. The smart ones, like me, escape to more tropical climates, while some of my upper east side friends use the time to hunker down and finish their works. Others snuggle up in bed with their agendas to keep them warm. And then there are the homes that feel even colder inside than it is out. 二月是一年中最短的月份。但严寒是它成为了最难熬的一个月。聪明的人,比如我,会去热带地区避寒,而上东区的朋友们,则宅在家中完成他们的工作。或者窝在床上取暖,琢磨着新的计划。还有让人觉得比户外更寒冷的家。