P: Amazing. You got exactly what you wanted. So what are you waiting for? Use it. G: If I post this picture, Dan will out me. I'm not sure I'm willing to give up being Gossip Girl over one little kiss. P: So what are we gonna do? G: Dan knows how Blair feels about him now,which means the more they can't, the more they'll want to. It won't be long before they're doing far worse things than kissing. P: Speaking of…I’m kinda digging this whole high school look. G: Oh, well, it is valentine's day, and you have been uncharacteristically helpful today. Sure, why not? Oh, not it. GG: I know I promised you all I'd expose a giant secret today. And I didn't deliver, but isn't that what valentine's day is all about. Hopes dashed? Feelings hurt? Relationships severed? It's a day filled with crushing disappointments. 太棒了。你得到了你想要的。你还等什么?爆料啊。 如果我爆料这张照片,丹就会揭穿我,我不确定我会为了一个吻而放弃八卦天后。 那我们要做什么? 现在丹知道布莱尔对他的感觉,那就意味着,他们越是没法在一起,他们就越想。用不了多久,他们就会做出比接吻更出格的事。 说到这,我已经被你这身学生装迷死了。 好吧,今天是情人节,你又这么给力的帮忙,当然可以奖励一下。奥,不行。 我知道我承诺今天要爆出一个惊天秘密而我却没有,但是情人节不就是。希望破灭,感情受伤,关系破裂。情人节是让人崩溃的一天。