D: Dad,it's me. Hey, uh, don't tell anyone I'm calling. And please don't freak out. But I'm at the airport right now with Blair. She's going to the Dominican Republic to get a divorce. R: What are you talking about? D: You just gotta trust me. She made a terrible mistake marrying Louis, and he's not at all who he seems, so she's gotta flee the country to make sure he doesn't find out where she is. R: And you're going with her? D: No, I'm just helping out, which is why I'm calling, I need you to help make sure that Louis and his family don't know that she's trying to leave the city. I mean, I'm sure they're already looking for her. And it's only a matter of time before they think to look here. R: I'm with Sophine and Eleanor now. Um, they think she's with Louis. D: Oh, good. Well, then keep it that way as long as possible. R: I don't think Blair should be dragging you into this. D: She needs me, dad. If you could see how upset she is, you would understand. Please,please, just stall them. R: All right, I trust you're doing the right thing. I'll do what I can to help. 老爸,是我。别跟其他人说是我打来的。还有,也别被吓到。我现在和布莱尔在机场,她要去多米尼加共和国办理离婚。 你在说什么? 你得信我。她和路易结婚是个错误,他并不像看上去那么翩翩君子,所以她现在准备逃出国。这样路易就找不到她了。 你这是要跟她一起去吗? 不,我只是来帮忙的。所以我才给你打电话,我要你,帮我瞒着路易一家,不要告诉他们布莱尔准备出国,我是说,他们估计已经在到处找她了,找到机场来也只是时间问题。 我现在和索菲亚还有埃莉诺在一起,他们以为他和路易在一起。 好极了,就这样继续瞒着她们,越久越好。 我觉得布莱尔不应该把你牵扯进来。 老爸,她需要我。如果你看到她现在多沮丧,你会理解我的心情。求你了,拜托。帮我拖着她们。 好吧,我相信你的决定是正确的,我尽量。