English football has been thrown into turmoil by the resignation of the Football Association Chairman Lord Triesman. He stepped down after a Sunday newspaper reported he had made unfounded bribery allegations about England's rivals to host the 2018 World Cup. He's also stepped down as the chairman o… 英足总主席特里斯曼勋爵辞职之后,英格兰足球陷入一片混乱。之前的一份周日的报纸报道说特里斯曼曾发表没有证据的言论,声称英格兰申办2018年世界杯的竞争对手将贿赂裁判,特里斯曼因此还辞去了英格兰申办2018年世界杯团队主席的职位。下面是我们的体育新闻记者戈登法克带来的报道。 特里斯曼勋爵说这整个事件就是个诱人犯罪…