Now to tennis. Spain's Rafael Nadal is through to the third round of the Madrid Masters after a 6-4, 6-3 win over Ukraine's Oleksandr Dolgopolov. The Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo and former France captain Zinedine Zidane were amongst the crowd watching Nadal's victory. He's already won two … 现在是网球消息。西班牙选手纳达尔在马德里大师赛上6-4,6-3直落两盘,击败了乌克兰的多尔戈波洛夫,成功晋级第三轮。皇马的当家球星克里斯蒂亚诺•罗纳尔多和前法国国家队队长齐达内也前来捧场,并现场见证了纳豆的胜利。 今年纳达尔已经在他最喜欢的红土赛场上赢得了两个大师赛冠军,分别是蒙特卡洛站和罗马站。而在本月…