Onto football now and the BBC understands that the Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez has been offered a severance deal to walk away from the English Premier League club. Benitez led the Reds to the Champions League in 2005, but last season they finished in a disappointing seventh place in the ta… 现在来关注下足球消息,BBC获悉利物浦已向主帅贝尼特斯提供了一份解约协议。贝尼特斯带领红军年夺得了05年的欧冠冠军,但上赛季他们战绩糟糕,仅列联赛第七。现年50岁的贝帅已传闻将转投国米。BBC的茱莉亚 费兰顿给您带来详细报道。 现在看来贝帅能做的只有确定这份合约的每个细节,为利物浦的六年执教生涯画上句号,期间他…