The World Cup casts a long shadow and track and field's task is to make sure enough of its stars twinkle over the coming weeks to catch the eye of the wide public. The fourth Diamond League meeting does have plenty of gold medalists on show, including Jamaica's World and Olympic 100 metres champion.… 田径赛场在世界杯的阴影下黯然失色,其只能确保在未来几周里有足够多的巨星闪耀来挽回颓势。参加第四站钻石联赛确实有不少金牌得主,其中包括牙买加的世锦赛和奥运会100米双料冠军。不,不是他。我说的是谢莉•安•弗雷泽,而这正是问题所在,因为当尤塞恩•博尔特缺席时,甚至是他的伤情似乎也能比够比队友占据更多的报刊版…