The social networking site Facebook has deleted the pages of 30 convicted prisoners in Britain, following intervention by a government minister. The Justice Secretary Jack Straw said the prisoners were using the site to taunt victims and liaise with conspirators. It's a terrible problem of prisoner… 非官方译文仅供参考: 由于英国大臣的介入,社交网站脸谱删除了30多名英国囚犯的账号。英国司法大臣杰克•斯特劳称入狱有囚犯利用网站威胁受害人、谋划犯罪。 据称,有囚犯通过非法偷送进监狱的手机上网或是家人建立脸谱上的个人网页,然后发表狂妄言论嘲弄受害人以及遭受杀害的过去。 沙特阿拉伯报道称当局正在检查骆驼的…