He returned home and set up “Busy Internet", a company that plans to improve Internet access in Africa by bringing in its own infrastructure, rather than depending on local utilities. “What we are doing in Ghana is in some ways completely insulating ourselves from the local environment. We are buying and installing a generator. We are putting satellites on the roof to give us an Internet connection." 他返回家乡,创立了“Busy Internet”公司。通过引入自身设备而不依靠当地公用设施的方式,该公司致力于提高非洲的网际网路接取水平。 “现阶段我们在加纳所做的,某种程度上,可以说是完全的与当地环境相隔绝。我们正在购买并拟安装一台发电机,在屋顶上安装卫星以与网咯相连接。