But he does not know whether it is due to discrimination against the overweight and obese or to health problems or depression that may limit their productivity. BMI is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared. A BMI between 20 to 25 is normal, 25 to 30 is pre-obese and more than 30 is obese. Public health experts have warned that Europe is facing an obesity epidemic that will increase health costs and hamper economic development. Up to 23% of men and as many as 36% of women in Europe are obese. It is also a growing problem in children. Heavier European workers experience a wage penalty in the labor market, according to researchers. The researchers said their findings are in line with the results of a recent survey of Europeans that shows Southern Europeans place a higher concern on gaining weight. 但是,这究竟是因为人们歧视肥胖,还是因为肥胖所引起的健康问题和心情郁闷导致工作效率低下,目前还不清楚。 体重指数(BMI)的计算方法是用体重(公斤)除以身高(米)的平方。体重指数在20-25之间为“正常”,在25-30之间为“肥胖前期”,大于30则为“肥胖”。 公共健康专家发出警告,欧洲目前正面临普遍肥胖的问题,这会增加健康成本,还会阻碍经济发展。 欧洲高达23%的男性和36%的女性存在肥胖问题,而且,儿童肥胖问题也日趋严重。 据研究人员介绍,在欧洲的劳动力市场上,较胖员工的工资相对较低。 研究人员称,他们的研究结果与最近在欧洲进行的一项调查结果一致,这项调查显示,欧洲南部地区的人们对自己体重的增加更为关心。