The most frequently expressed complaint women have about men is that men don't listen. A man completely ignores her when she speaks, assesses what's bothering her, and then he offers her a solution to make her feel better. No matter how many times she tells him that he's not listening, and he keeps doing the same thing. She wants sympathy, but he thinks she wants solutions. The most frequently expressed complaint men have about women is that women are always trying to change them. When a woman loves a man, she feels responsible to assist him improve the way he does things. No matter how much he resists her help, she persists. She thinks she's nurturing him, while he feels he's being controlled. Martians value power, competency, efficiency, and achievement. Achieving goals is very important to a Martian, because it's the way for him to prove his competence and thus feel good about himself. 女人抱怨男人最多的地方是男人不会倾听。当女人说话时,男人完全不理不睬,思考一下困扰女人的问题,然后抛给女人一个解决的办法以安慰她就算完事。无论女人抱怨多少次,说男人没有倾听,他依然我行我素。女人需要同情,可男人总以为她需要的是解决办法。 男人最常抱怨的是女人总试图改变他们。当女人爱上一个男人时,她便觉得帮助他改进做事的方式是自己的责任。无论男人怎样拒绝她的帮助,女人都一再坚持。女人认为自己是在调教男人,而男人却觉得自己被控制了。男人崇尚权力、个人能力、效率和成功。对他们而言,实现目标非常重要,因为这能证明他们自身的能力,让他们感觉良好。