A good companion is better than a fortune, for a fortune can't purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing. The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds. Greater wisdom and goodness than we possess lifts us higher mentally and morally. Companionship of high order is powerful to develop character. Character makes character in the associations of life faster than anything else. Purity begets purity, like begets like, and this fact makes the choice of companions in early life more important even than that of teachers and guardians. It is true that we can't always choose all of our companions. Some are thrust upon us by business and the social relations of life. 好友胜于财富,因为财富买不到基本品德,而正是这些基本品德使人与人之间的交往成为一件幸事。最好的朋友应是比我们更睿智、更出色的人,我们可以被他的智慧和美德所激励,从而使我们的行为更加高尚。朋友比我们拥有更多的才智也比我们更仁慈,会使我们在精神和道德上得到提升。 高层次的交友对于性情的培养特别有利。在交往中,性情对于性情的影响胜过其他一切因素。近朱者赤,近墨者黑,这一事实告诉人们,在年轻时代,选择朋友甚至比选择老师和监护人更为重要。 不可否认的是,有些朋友是我们无法选择的,有些朋友是生意和各种社会关系硬塞给我们的。