Job insecurity can have a major impact on the health of American workers, says a University of Michigan study. Feeling insecure about your job harms both mental and physical health -- whether you actually lose your job or not. The toll taken by job insecurity can be as great as a serious or life-threatening illness, the study said. Researchers analyzed information from more than 1,000 men and women, under age 60, who underwent two interviews, about three years apart. About 25% of the people in the study reported feeling insecure about their jobs in at least one of the two interviews. People who said they felt insecure about their jobs had much lower self-rated health. 美国密歇根大学的一项研究结果显示,工作不安全感给上班族的身体健康带来了极大的负面影响。不论实际上你是否已经丢掉工作,这种心态都会对你的精神健康和身体健康造成伤害。研究表明,工作不安全感带来的影响的严重性,甚至可以和危及生命的疾病相匹敌。 研究涉及的对象是1,000余名年龄在60岁以下的男女在职人员,他们先后接受了两次访谈,时间间隔大约为3年。研究人员对搜集上来的相关信息进行了仔细分析,约有25%的研究对象在这两次访谈中至少有一次表示他们对于能否保住目前的工作而感到忧心忡忡。那些声称自己总是害怕失去工作的人往往会对其自身的健康状况评价较低。