The bird correctly identified the English recording 75% of the time. The same results were achieved with another two birds that were permitted to eat only when Chinese was played. It has already been confirmed that monkeys, mice and other mammals can recognize different languages but this is the first time that birds have been found to possess the ability. An experimental psychology professor who led the research said that humans are able to distinguish between languages, even ones they don't know, from the intonation and pronunciation, and it seems that paddy birds have the same ability. He added that if the common traits in brain structure are studied, it may shed light on the mechanisms of speech recognition. 文鸟成功分辨出英文录音的概率为75 %。研究人员又用另外两只鸟进行了分辨中文录音的试验,并且得到了相同的结果。 此前,人们曾证实猴子、老鼠和其他一些哺乳动物能够认知不同的语言,而这次是人们首次发现鸟类也具备这种能力。 领导这次实验的是一位实验心理学教授,他说到,人类能够从语调和发音来辨别不同的语言,即使是一些自己没有掌握的语言也是如此。现在看来这些以谷类为食的小鸟也具备这种能力。他补充到,如果对大脑结构的共同特性进行研究,或许会对人类研究语言识别机制有所启发。