A team of Japanese researchers recently found that pet birds not only can imitate sounds, but can distinguish between languages, potentially offering new clues on how the brain recognizes speech. The researchers did not use Japanese because it was the language the birds normally listen to. Instead, they exposed Java Sparrows to English and Chinese translations recorded by exchange students of two well-known Japanese novels, "The Tale of Genii" and "I Am a Cat". A bird sitting on a perch first listened to the English version and was only allowed to eat afterwards. Then the researchers played English and Chinese recordings at random and only allowed the bird to eat after hopping onto the perch with the English. 日本研究人员近日发现,家里养的宠物鸟不仅能够模仿声音,而且能够辨别不同的语言。这一发现为研究大脑如何认知语言提供了新的线索。 研究人员没有用日语进行试验,因为鸟平时经常听到这种语言。他们给文鸟(爪哇禾雀)听由交换学生朗读的两本日本名著的英文版及中文版的录音。这两本书分别是《源氏物语》和《我是猫》。研究人员让站在杆上的文鸟先听英文录音,然后才允许它吃东西。接下来,他们随意播放英文和中文录音,但是只有当文鸟听到英文录音跳到杆子上之后,才允许它吃东西。