Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai, with about 5,000 students, is one of seven IITs across India which are considered to be among the finest engineering schools in the world. They are also a talent pool for global technology giants. But their exacting curriculum, tough competition and reclusive campus lifestyle have taken a toll on students. Depressive and dysfunctional lifestyles are known to be common among IIT students. With the unrestricted Internet access in its hostels, many students were addicting to surfing, chatting, downloading movies and music, gaming and blogging, which affect their academic performance, make them reclusive and even suicidal. 印度理工学院全球闻名,同时也是全球顶尖科技集团的人才库之一。该学院共有七个分校,而其中之一就是位于孟买的印度理工学院,该分校拥有大约5,000名学生。 但高难度的课程、激烈的竞争和“与世隔绝”式的校园生活严重影响了这些学生的身心健康。沉闷、不正常的生活方式在印度理工学院很普遍。在学校没有限制宿舍上网之前,许多学生整日沉迷于上网、聊天、下载电影和音乐、玩电脑游戏和写博客,影响了他们的学习成绩,并助长了他们的内心孤独感和自杀倾向。