Each of the five will put a decision a day to the Internet community and will have to act on the outcome of the decision, although they will be given a "Joker" -- meaning they can back out of one decision during the period, MSN said. Internet users around the world will be able to vote on the decisions each day by visiting www. liveyourlife. msn. co. uk. A dedicated site has been created around each participant, giving information about their backgrounds, their loves, hates, hopes and daily diary updates. At the end of the 15 days, web users will decide which of the five has let the Internet live their life to the maximum and he or she will win 10,000 pounds. MSN说,每天这5个人将分别把一件事情交由网络社区决定,而且必须按照收到的决定行事,尽管他们在活动期间可以得到一张“王牌”,意思是他们可以不遵守其中一个决定。每天,世界各地的网络用户可以通过访问www. liveyourlife. msn. co. uk网站来投票为他们作决定。活动还为这5个人分别建立了专门的网站,其中介绍了他们的背景、好恶、愿望等相关情况,并有每天更新的日记。15天活动的最后,网民们将决定5人当中谁最大限度地让因特网主宰了自己的生活,胜出者将赢得1万英镑的奖金。