As a girl at the turn of the century, Capovilla liked to go to parties but never drank alcohol. At the time it was the custom for women to touch the rim of the glass with their lips without drinking, as a sign of accepting hospitality, her family said. Capovilla died of complications from pneumonia at a local hospital, relatives said. She had 5 children, 11 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and 5 great-great-grandchildren, according to local media. Guinness says the oldest "fully authenticated" age to which any human has ever lived is 122 years and 164 days. Jeanne Louise Calment was born in France on February 21, 1875, and died on August 4, 1997. 在19世纪和20世纪之交,还是少女的卡波比亚喜欢参加派对,但她从来不饮酒。据她家人介绍,按照当时的风俗,女性只能用嘴唇碰碰杯沿但不能饮酒,以此来表示接受主人的盛情款待。 亲戚透露,卡波比亚因肺炎并发症在当地医院去世。 当地媒体介绍说,老人共有子女5人,其孙子辈有11人、曾孙辈有20人、玄孙辈有5人。 根据吉尼斯世界纪录的记载,世界上最长寿者共活了122岁零164天。这位寿星是法国妇女让娜·路易斯·卡勒蒙,她生于1875年2月21日,终于1997年8月4日。