The world's oldest person, a 116-year-old Ecuadorean woman who drank donkey milk for health, died on Sunday less than a month before her birthday, her relatives told local newspapers on Monday. Maria Esther de Capovilla was declared the world's oldest person in December by Guinness World Records, taking the title from a U. S. woman. Capovilla was born in Guayaquil in western Ecuador on September 14, 1889, the same year that Adolf Hitler was born and the Eiffel Tower was inaugurated. Relatives attributed her astonishingly long life to regular doses of donkey's or goat's milk, glasses of wine and a quiet life dedicated to her family. Her eyesight was good up to the end and she never needed glasses, they said. 世界最年长的老人、靠驴奶养生的116岁厄瓜多尔妇人上周日辞世,老人去世时距离她的117岁生日只剩不到一个月的时间。老人的亲属本周一向当地媒体宣布了上述消息。 去年12月,玛丽亚·艾斯特·德·卡波比亚被《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》认定为世界上最高龄者,取代了原先拥有该封号的一名美国妇女。 卡波比亚1889年9月14日出生在厄瓜多尔西部的瓜亚基尔市,与希特勒出生和埃菲尔铁塔竣工是同一年。 老人的亲戚将她的长寿归功于她定期饮用的驴奶和山羊奶,适量的酒以及和宁静家庭生活。 亲戚们说,她的视力很好,可以看到视力表的最下面一行且从来不用眼镜。