e yu fa lao zhi xiang 20

Song 鳄与法老之乡 20
Artist 英语听力
Album BBC尼罗河


Now is the spring harvest. The crops are abundant, but even this brings a new danger. The curse of Seth might yet throw their world into chaos. This year, the villages will face a new threat, one they are powerless to avert. When locust populations reach critical density, they radically alter their behaviour, massing into terrifying swarms that devour everything in their path. The swarms appear from nowhere, swept along by desert winds. One square kilometre can contain 50 million locusts. A swarm advances at four metres every second. Locusts destroy not only crops, but also food stores. Their droppings contaminate what little food they leave behind. Those who eat it are poisoned. The balance of Egypt is broken.


Now is the spring harvest. The crops are abundant, but even this brings a new danger. The curse of Seth might yet throw their world into chaos. This year, the villages will face a new threat, one they are powerless to avert. When locust populations reach critical density, they radically alter their behaviour, massing into terrifying swarms that devour everything in their path. The swarms appear from nowhere, swept along by desert winds. One square kilometre can contain 50 million locusts. A swarm advances at four metres every second. Locusts destroy not only crops, but also food stores. Their droppings contaminate what little food they leave behind. Those who eat it are poisoned. The balance of Egypt is broken.
chūn jì shōu chéng shí kè dào. nóng zuò wù dà fēng shōu, què yě gěi rén men dài lái xīn de wēi jī. sāi tè de zǔ zhòu yǒu kě néng ràng tā men de shì jiè xiàn rù hùn luàn zhī zhōng. zhè yī nián cūn mín men jiāng miàn duì yī zhǒng tā men wú lùn rú hé yě duǒ bù diào de xīn wēi xié. dāng huáng chóng shù liàng dá dào yí dìng dà de mì dù shí, tā men huì jù liè gǎi biàn zì shēn de huó dòng fāng shì, jù jí chéng jīng sǒng de huáng chóng dà jūn chī guāng suǒ dào zhī chù de yī qiè. bù zhī cóng nǎ ér mào chū lái de huáng chóng qún suí zhe shā mò de qiáng fēng sì chù sì nüè. yī píng fāng gōng lǐ nèi jū rán jiù yǒu wǔ qiān wàn zhǐ huáng chóng. huáng chóng qún yǐ měi miǎo sì mǐ de sù dù xiàng qián tuī jìn. huáng chóng cuī huǐ de bù zhǐ shì zuò wù, tóng yàng zāo dào pò huài de hái yǒu zhù cún de liáng shí. huáng chóng de fèn biàn wū rǎn le suǒ shèng wú jǐ de cán yú shí wù, zhì shǐ shí yòng zhèi xiē chǔ liáng de rén men zhòng dú. āi jí shè huì fēn bēng lí xī.