This is the busiest time of the year for the farmers. The formless mud is transformed into an ordered grid of fields. The Nile's gifts are harnessed. Now, the myth of Osiris and his jealous brother Seth will be played out. The sowing of the new crops is a reminder of Osiris, murdered and buried in the soil. The Nile's water irrigates the silt-rich land it has created, and over the next few months these perfect growing conditions fulfil the river's promise to restore life. As the crops grow, Osiris rises again from the dead. When the Nile keeps its promise, the desert is transformed and Egypt becomes a paradise once more. The forces of order and chaos are perfectly in balance. But for how long? 这是一年当中农人最忙的时候,他们要善用尼罗河的恩赐,把四处流溢的泥水转变成一畦畦的农田。奥西里斯和他善妒弟弟塞特的神话即将上演。新生作物的播种让人们联想到遭到杀害后被埋葬在土壤中的奥西里斯。尼罗河河水灌概着它创造出来的肥沃大地,并在接下来的几个月中通过提供完美的供作物生长的环境来履行其复苏万物的承诺。随着作物生长,奥西里斯又一次死而复生。尼罗河遵守着承诺,改造沙漠使埃及再次成为人间仙境。秩序和混乱的博弈处在完美的平衡之中。但是这又能维系多久呢?