The rising waters bring the Nile valley back to life. It becomes a refuge in the heart of the desert, attracting thousands of different birds on their migration across Africa. As the flood reaches its height in late summer, the parched swamps of papyrus at the margins of the Nile are rejuvenated. These swamps are full of creatures attracted by an abundance of fish. Fishing is big business for the villagers of Djeme. Fish are the currency by which even temple builders are paid. The secret of the Nile's gift is not the water itself, but the load it has carried into Egypt. Millions of tonnes of rich silt. When the waters begin to recede in the autumn, the black silt that remains is so rich that it appears to create life spontaneously. Frogs and toads seem to be born directly from the black mud. Frog amulets are given as gifts to celebrate the Egyptian New Year, symbols of the resurrection of the land. 上涨的河水让尼罗河河谷重获生机。河谷成为沙漠中的避难所,吸引几千只不同的鸟类飞越非洲大陆迁徙而来。洪水在夏末时节达到最高水位,使生长于尼罗河边缘的纸莎草沼泽丛再次繁茂起来。沼泽区到处都是受丰富渔获吸引而来的生物。渔业是吉美村村民的重要经济来源。鱼就是货币,它们甚至被拿来当作神庙修建工人的酬劳。 尼罗河恩典的奥秘之处并不在河水本身,而在于它带入埃及的东西——几百万吨的肥沃淤泥。河水在秋季开始退去的时候遗留下来的黑色淤泥丰沃到可以自行创造新生命。蛙类和蟾蜍看起来就像是由黑泥赋予生命的。蛙型护身符是用来庆祝埃及新年的贺礼,象征着大地的复苏与荣景。