The future of Egypt rests on the shoulders of the pharaoh. He must keep Seth's chaos at bay. The people of Egypt look to him to protect them. If he fails them now and cannot ensure the flood, they will face the same catastrophe that befell the Old Kingdom. Each summer his kingship is tested. It's mid-June. Egypt starts to heat up. The threat to the cherished continuity and consistency of the villagers' lives begins. The desert sands advance, threatening to extinguish the river. Without the Nile, the Egyptian world will cease. Water is becoming an ever more precious commodity. Competition for the Nile's dwindling pools becomes intense. Pushed to the limits of endurance, male hippos become extremely dangerous as they fight over their diminishing territory. Often these bouts are fought to the death. The Nile's paradise is disappearing. Caught up in the fighting, female hippos aggressively defend their young. The Egyptians respect their bravery and worship them in the form of Tauert, the goddess of young mothers. 埃及的未来大业扛在法老王的双肩之上,他必须控制塞特之乱。埃及子民期望他保护他们。如果他辜负子民,无法确保洪水到来,他们就会和古王国一样遭遇到可怕的灾难。每年夏季王权都会备受考验。六月中旬,埃及气温开始上升,村民赖以为继,得之不易的稳定生活开始遭到威胁。沙漠步步进逼,威胁终结河流的存续。没有尼罗河,埃及必将灭亡。河水日渐成为更加珍贵的资源,争夺尼罗河缩退水坑的大战更加白热化。忍耐到了极限的公河马在抢夺仅剩的弹丸之地时变得异常危险凶暴,常常都要拼斗到你死我活。尼罗河这片乐土正在逐渐消失。遭到战斗波及的母河马群会凶猛地捍卫小河马。埃及人尊敬河马的骁勇善战,将它们敬奉为Tauert——代表年轻母亲的女神——的化身。