The sun's unlimited power and the water from the Nile create a paradise in the heart of a desert. Safe within their narrow green world, the daily rhythms of life appear to continue, for the moment. But of course the world does change. This world is in constant flux. The Egyptians know it, and fear it. Their paradise could so easily be lost. The people are aware of the fragility of their world, subject to forces they cannot control. Now they are to face a critical time. Despite the constancy of the sun's daily cycle, its yearly cycle creates massive change. The seasons brought by the sun will transform the other axis of their world, the Nile. / 太阳无远弗届的力量和尼罗河之水在沙漠之中创造出了一片人间仙境。在安祥的狭长绿洲世界中,生命的节奏日复一日地延续下去,但只是暂时如此。世界当然是会改变的。这个世界一直在不断地变迁。埃及人深谙此理并戒慎恐惧。他们的仙境可能瞬间消失无踪。人们了解他们的世界脆弱而不堪一击,受制于他们无法掌控的力量。现在他们将要迎来生死存亡的关头。尽管太阳每天周而复始地起落,它的周年循环却能带来巨大的变化。太阳带来的节令将会转变这个世界的另一个支轴——尼罗河。