Meanwhile, the setting sun too appears to be returning to the earth. Re is about to start a journey through the mysterious Underworld, the place of the dead. It's a time of danger and uncertainty. But Re has help on this difficult journey from creatures of the Nile. The Nile Catfish lives in the mud on the bottom of the river, eating detritus that filters down from above. The long whiskers allow it to feel its way through the darkness. The Catfish helps guide the sun back to the East to complete its cycle of birth, death and resurrection. The sun's journey presents the Egyptians with daily proof of the triumph of Life over the forces of Death. By associating himself with the sun god Re the pharaoh strengthens and re-affirms his power. 而黄昏西沉的落日则有着归返大地的意义。拉即将要展开的是穿越神秘阴间世界——死者所在的地方——的旅程。那是充满未知数的危险时刻。但是拉的地狱苦旅获得了尼罗河生物的协助。尼罗鲶居住在河床底部的淤泥中,主食是由上而下漂落的碎屑。长长的鲶鱼须是黝暗河水中的导航利器。鲶鱼为太阳神引导回到东方的路,完成诞生死亡重生的生命周期。太阳的旅程每天都向埃及人证明:生命的胜利光辉能够战胜死亡的力量。借由将自己与太阳神联结起来,法老王巩固并强化了自己的权力。