Even the deadliest animals have their place in the Egyptian world. A man killer hunts among the farms of Ancient Egypt. The cobra is rightly feared. Its lethal venom is injected into prey or spat up to two metres. When threatened the cobra rears up and swells its neck muscles, an aggressive posture to deter potential attackers. The burning venom of the cobra is seen to mimic the burning rays of the midday sun. Egyptians transform this lethal creature into an ally. That lethal power is re-directed so that the cobra becomes a protector of the pharaoh. Even in the minuscule and the bizarre the Egyptians see reflections of the great mysteries of their world. From the fertile banks of the Nile to the desert all around nothing escapes their attention. 即使是最致命的猛兽也在埃及社会中占有一席之地。古埃及农田中还有一种杀人生物。埃及人敬畏眼镜蛇情有可原。眼镜蛇会将致命毒液注入猎物体内 或是喷射出达两米远。受到威胁的眼镜蛇会弓身而起,隆起颈部的肌肉,做出对抗潜在攻击者的凶猛姿态。眼镜蛇炙热的毒液犹如正午烈日发射出的炙热阳光。埃及人将这种致命猛兽转化成为盟友,导正眼镜蛇的致命力量,使它成为法老王的守护者。就连在微小生物和怪兽身上,埃及人都看到了神秘伟大世界的映像。从肥沃的尼罗河河畔到四周的沙漠,什么都逃不过他们的法眼。