Three and a half thousand years ago Egyptian civilisation entered a glorious stage in its story, at its heart the city of Thebes. This is the beginning of the "New Kingdom", the golden age of great pharaohs like Rameses and Tutankhamun. The pharaoh stands at the pinnacle of the known world. Each attempts to outdo his predecessor with ever more dramatic displays of power and prestige. Throughout this period the banks of the Nile are a vast construction site. The province of Thebes is home to over 50,000 people. This is a time of prosperity. In the small village of Djeme life is good for the farmers, fishermen, and temple builders. The stores overflow from the rich harvests. There's time for leisure. It's easy for the villagers to feel the gods have blessed them. All this is thanks to the miracle of the Nile. 在三千五百年以前,埃及文明步入历史上的繁荣昌盛时期,底比斯是它的核心重镇。新王国时期,拉米西斯和图坦卡门这些伟大法老的黄金时代,就在这里展开。法老王挺立于已知世界的最高峰,每一项尝试超越先人的企图都更戏剧性地展现出权力和尊荣。在整个新王国时期,尼罗河河畔成为广大的建筑工地。底比斯地区的居民超过五万人。这是繁盛昌明的时期。在吉美这个小村落里,农人和渔夫以及神庙建筑者生活安康。商店里摆满丰收的作物。人们拥有闲暇时间享乐。村民很容易感受到众神对他们的眷顾,这一切都是拜尼罗河奇迹所赐。