Finally, the Nile's great flood spills out of Ethiopia and across the flat lands of Sudan. It sweeps past Khartoum, elbowing the steady flow of the White Nile aside. And on through the deserts to revive and enrich the parched lands of Egypt. Thousands of years ago this was the great flood that allowed the Ancient Egyptians to build a great civilisation. But they passed into history without ever finding out where the riches they depended on really came from. The Nile has never given up its secrets easily. Next week. For centuries, mankind struggled to find the source of the White Nile. It was this great prize that drew an army of explorers to Africa, men who were ambitious, dedicated, obsessed. Their endeavours made them legends. Doctor Livingstone, I presume. And revealed why a river that flows through a desert never runs dry. 最后,尼罗河的大洪水涌出了埃塞俄比亚,涌过了苏丹境内的平原,从喀土穆横扫而过,在这里和平静的白尼罗河交汇。再往前穿越沙漠,尼罗河使焦干的埃及土地重获生机与富足。几千年前就是这样的大洪水让古埃及人得以成就他们伟大辉煌的文明。但他们在认识到真正赋予他们富足强盛的泛滥来自于何方之前就消逝在了历史之中。尼罗河从不轻易露出真实面目。 下集预告:几世纪以来,人类一直苦苦追寻着白尼罗河的源头。如此引人入胜的目标为非洲引来了大批的冒险家。他们的野心勃勃,全心投入和废寝忘食不仅使他们成为了一代传奇人物,(您是利文斯通医师吧。)同时还揭开了流经沙漠的大河为什么永不枯竭的秘密。