Over a million people and their cattle live in the Sudd. Among them, the Dinka. Their cattle are at the centre of their world, they depend on them for survival. The relationship is certainly personal and spiritual, but above all it's practical. Rarely killed and eaten, each cow is a precious source of milk or blood, forming much of the Dinka's diet. Cow dung is burnt for fuel, the smoke and the ash deters the hordes of biting insects. When they can, the Dinka catch fish from the swamp. How can the Sudd sustain such huge numbers of people, antelope and cattle? It's all about to change. 一百多万人以及他们饲养的牛群生活在苏德沼泽地区,其中就包括丁卡族。牲畜是丁卡族生活的重心,他们要靠牲畜维生。人畜关系当然是私密而具有灵性的,但更重要的是其实用价值。很少被宰杀和食用的牛是珍贵牛奶和牛血——丁卡族的主食——的来源,牛粪可以用作燃料,燃烟和灰烬则可以驱赶成群的叮咬昆虫。丁卡族还会把握时机在沼泽中捕鱼为食。 但这样的苏德沼泽如何能供养起为数如此众多的人类、羚羊和牛群呢?一切即将发生改变。