Violence has continued in Syria despite the presence of the Arab League monitoring mission in the country. Activists said more than 10 people were killed in the anti-government flashpoints of Homs, Deraa and Idlib. A video posted on the internet showed a crowd of angry mourners around the body of a small boy in Homs, as the BBC's Jim Muir reports. The video posted on the internet by activists shows a crowd of angry mourners gathering around the bonnet of a white vehicle, which has the insignia of the Arab League emblazoned on it and appears to belong to the observers. They lay the lifeless body of a small boy on the bonnet. Activists say the violence has continued despite the presence of the observers. But despite the reservations of many activists about the Arab mission, and some glitches on the ground, the observers do seem to have got through, unaccompanied by Syrian official security escorts, to some of the worst-affected quarters of Homs. The United States has said it won't tolerate any disruption by Iran of international shippings through the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf. On Tuesday, the Iranian vice president threatened to close the strait if western nations were to put an embargo on Iranian oil. From Washington, Jonny Dymond. The Pentagon described the raising of the temperature on tensions in the Gulf as unhelpful. Its response to the Iranian threat was measured but clear: any attempt to close the Strait of Hormuz through which around a third of the world's tanker traffic flows would not, the Pentagon said, be tolerated. But it also said that it was aware that the Iranian navy exercised on a regular basis. Iran is in the midst of such an exercise close to the strait. And the Pentagon said that no aggressive or hostile action had been reported towards US vessels. The main parties in Bosnia have agreed to form a central government, ending a 14-month political crisis. Muslim, Croat and Serb parties have been deadlocked over the issue since elections in October 2010. Janet Barrie reports. Finally the leaders of Bosnia's three main ethnic groups have found a way of sharing power in the central government. They also agreed to pass a budget for 2011, averting a very real possibility that state institutions could grind to a halt next year. Bosnia is still a deeply divided country after the war there in the mid-1990s, in which around 100,000 people lost their lives. The European Union and United States insisted though that the communities worked more closely together in a central government to qualify for funds from the IMF and European Commission. Church leaders in Nigeria say their members will defend themselves if the country's security forces are unable to protect them. The statement by coalition of Pentecostal churches came as tension continued to rise, following a series of attack by an Islamist group targeting churches across Nigeria. You're listening to the latest world news from the BBC A campaign group in Venezuela says the country suffered a record number of murders in 2011. The Venezuela Violence Observatory said there have been more than 19,000 killings this year, an average of 53 a day. Criminal violence is said to be a major issue in next year's presidential elections. More from James Read of our America's desk. These figures suggest Venezuela's murder rate is now four times that of Mexico where drug-related violence has made headlines around the world. It's also four times higher than when President Hugo Chavez took power in 1999. But while few Venezuelans would deny that violent crime is soaring, explaining why is much harder. Experts pointed a social breakdown, enduring inequality, drug trafficking and the easy availability of illegal fire arms. Environmentalists in Tanzania say they are strongly opposed to the proposed construction of a new railway that would cut through the world famous Serengeti National Park. A spokesman for Tanzania's Lawyers' Environmental Action Team * there told the BBC that the railway would have a serious impact on the annual migration of wild beast and destroy the ecosystem. Serengeti is not only a national park, it is a complete migration of animals. If the railway or road, or highway is going to be constructed, will have very very severe effects to the migration of animals. Palestinian police armed with batons and shields have broken up a brawl between rival priests at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. About 100 Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic clerics fought with brooms as they cleaned the church in preparation for the Orthodox Christmas. There've been frequent scuffles in the past between the various Christian denominations which share the administration of the church. It was built over the spot where Christians believe which Jesus was born. 尽管阿拉伯联盟代表团正在叙利亚执行监督工作,但暴乱仍在该国继续。活动分子说在霍姆斯,德拉和伊德利卜这些反政府活动的爆发地,至少有10人被杀害。从网上发的视频中可以看到,悲愤的哀悼者们围在一名男孩的尸体旁,BBC记者Jim Mui报道说: 在活动分子在网上发的视频中,悲愤的哀悼者们聚集在一辆白色汽车的车前盖旁。车上装饰着阿拉伯联盟的徽章,表明此车属于观察员。人们把男孩的尸体放在车前盖上。活动分子说暴力没有因为阿拉伯联盟观察员在叙利亚而停止。尽管许多活动分子并不信任阿拉伯代表团,甚至有些人还躺在地上以示不满,但是观察员们似乎仍然在没有叙利亚官方安全人员的陪同下,进入了霍姆斯暴力活动最为肆虐的地区。 美国声明,决不会容忍伊朗对通过波斯湾霍尔木兹海峡的国际船队的任何破坏行为。本周三伊朗副总统威胁道,如果西方国家对伊朗实行石油禁运,伊朗将关闭该海峡。华盛顿Jonny Dymond报道。 五角大楼(美国国防部)把此次波斯湾紧张局势的升温描述成徒劳无益的。美国对伊朗的威胁的反应是有分寸的,清楚的:霍尔木兹海峡航线输送着近三分之一的世界油轮运输,任何关闭海峡的企图都不会被容忍。但美国国防部也说到,它认为伊朗海军只是在定期演习,伊朗只是在靠近海峡的区域进行演习。美国国防部说,目前没有报告表明有任何对美国船只挑衅的或者敌对的行动。 波斯尼亚的主要政党一致同意组成一个中央政府以结束长达14个月的政治危机。自2010年的选举后,穆斯林,克罗地亚,及塞尔维亚党对此事僵持不下。Janet Barrie报道。 最终波斯尼亚的三大主要的民族党找到了中央政府,权力共享的出路。他们还一致通过了2011年的预算,以避免明年可能发生的国家机构停止正常运转的局面。自上世纪90年代中期让100000多人丧生的战争后,波斯尼亚一直处于一个四分五裂的局面。欧盟和美国坚持,该国应由一个各民族社团紧密协作的中央政府来寻求IMF和欧洲委员会的资金。 您正在收听的是来自BBC的最新世界新闻。 尼日利亚的教堂领袖说,如果国家安全部队不能保护人民,教堂成员将进行自卫战争。随着伊斯兰组织在尼日利亚全国范围内对教堂的一系列攻击,面对日渐紧张的局势,五旬节派教会联盟发表了以上声明。 委内瑞拉的一个活动组织说2011年该国的谋杀罪达到了历史最高记录。委内瑞拉暴力观察者说今年有超过19000起杀人案件,平均一天53起。刑事暴力犯罪据说是明年的总统选举的一个焦点。更多详情见James Read 在America's desk的报道。 这些数字表明委内瑞拉的犯罪率是墨西哥的四倍,后者曾因贩毒有关暴力活动臭名昭著于全世界。这些数字同时也是Hugo Chavez总统1999年在位时的犯罪率的四倍。尽管大多数委内瑞拉人承认犯罪率的飙升,其原因却更加难以解释。有专家指出其原因在于社会分裂,长期的不平等,贩毒,以及容易到手的非法武器。 坦桑尼亚的环境学家说他们强烈反对建设新铁路的提案,因为铁路会割断世界闻名的塞伦盖蒂国家公园。坦桑尼亚律师环境保护行动小组的发言人告诉BBC, 铁路将会对每年的野熊迁徙造成严重的不良影响,并破坏生态系统。 塞伦盖蒂不仅仅是国家公园,更是动物们完成迁徙的途经之所。如果建设铁路,公路,或高速公路,将非常严重地影响动物们的迁徙。 配备着警棍和盾牌的巴勒斯坦警方在伯利恒的基督诞生教堂和与其对抗的牧师发生了争斗。大约100名为准备东正教圣诞节而进行打扫的希腊东正教和美国使徒神职人员,手执扫帚与警方搏斗。关于由哪些基督教派来掌管教堂,过去一直摩擦不断。这所教堂就建在被基督徒们认为是耶稣的诞生之地上。