As the snows retreat trees come into bloom. Cherry blossom. Rhododendrons. Here in their natural home they form great forests and fill the landscape with the colours of a new season. These forests are a host to a rich variety of springtime migrants. Beneath the blooms, another display. It's the mating season for oriental pheasants, Himalayan monal, tragopan and blood pheasant. Musk deer make the most of a short flash of spring foods. This male smells a potential mate. The red panda, rarely glimpsed in the wild. It was once considered a kind of raccoon, but is now believed to be a small mountain bear. By midsummer its larger, more famous relative, has retreated into a cave. 雪消失了,树开花了。樱花。杜鹃花,这里是它们天然的家园,它们构成了花的海洋,用自己的美丽色彩装点着新的季节。春天的这些森林吸引各种各样的迁徙动物。繁花之下另有一番景象。这是雉类的交配季节。棕尾虹雉黑头角雉。还有血雉。麝趁着短暂的春天尽可能多地摄取食物。这只雄麝嗅到了可以正在交配期的雌麝的气味。小熊猫是一种在野外难得一见的动物,过去它被认为属于浣熊类,但现在人们认为它是一种小型山地熊。仲夏时节,它的更大更著名的近亲回到了自己的洞里。