The peaks here rise so precipitously, the glaciers are so steep and crevassed that few except the most skilled mountaineers can penetrate these ranges. Markhor gather for their annual rut. Males must fight for the right to breed, but on these sheer cliffs any slip by either animal could be fatal. A snow leopard - the rarest of Himalayan animals. It's a female returning to her lair. These are the first intimate images of snow leopard ever filmed in the wild. She greets her one-year-old cub. Her den is well chosen. It has exceptional views of the surrounding cliffs. On these treacherous slopes no hunter other than the snow leopard would have a chance of catching such agile prey. A female with young makes an easier target. 这些山峰和它的冰川都十分陡峭,地形也十分复杂,只有那些最出色的攀爬动物才能深入其中。捻角山羊聚集在这里,进行一年一度的交配。雄山羊必须经过争斗获得交配权,但在这样陡峭的山岩上,稍有闪失就会丧命。雪豹,这是喜马拉雅山区最珍奇的动物。这是一只正要回到洞穴的母雪豹。这是人类第一次在野外如此近距离拍到雪豹。她在爱抚一岁的小雪豹。她的洞穴是经过精心选择的,在这里可以看到周围的一切。在如此危险的山坡上,只有雪豹才能捕捉到如此灵活的猎物。带着孩子的母山羊是容易捕获的目标。