It's March and light returns to the high Arctic, sweeping away four months of darkness. A polar bear stirs. She has been in her den the whole winter. Her emergence marks the beginning of spring. After months of confinement underground she toboggans down the slope, perhaps to clean her fur, perhaps for sheer joy. Her cubs gaze out of their bright new world for the very first time. The female calls them, but this steep slope is not the easiest place to take your first steps. But they are hungry and eager to reach their mother, who's delayed feeding them on this special day. Now she lures them with the promise of milk, the only food the cubs have known since they were born deaf and blind beneath the snow some two months ago. 三月来了,阳光回到了北极,驱走了长达4个月的黑暗。北极熊出来了,它整个冬天都在洞里度过。北极熊走出洞穴意味着春天来了。居住地下几个月之后终于出来,它从斜坡上滑了下去,这样做可能是为了清洁皮毛,也可能纯粹是为了好玩。它的孩子们第一次看到这个明亮耀眼的新世界。妈妈呼唤着它们,但要在这样陡的斜坡上第一次学走路可不是一件容易的事。但它们饥饿难耐急于到妈妈那儿去。今天是个特别的日子,妈妈到现在还没有给它们喂奶。妈妈现在用奶来引诱它们。奶是它们长到这么大以来唯一的食物,因为它们两个月前在雪原下面出生,当时听不到也看不见。