Of those humans who've tried to climb it one in ten have lost their lives. Those that succeed can stand for only a few moments on its summit. The Nepalese call it "a mountain so high no bird can fly above it. " But each year over 50,000 demoiselle cranes set out on one of the most challenging migrations on earth. To reach their overwintering grounds in India they must cross the Himalayas. By late morning ferocious winds are roaring past the peaks. The cranes must gain height to avoid the building storm. They've hit serious turbulence. They must turn back or risk death. A new day and a new opportunity. The flock stay in close contact by calling one another. Weak from lack of food and water, they use thermals, rising columns of warm air, to gain height. 每十个人攀登珠穆朗玛峰的人中就有一个丧命。即使成功登上了顶峰,呆的时间也不能长。有人称喜马拉雅山为“鸟儿都飞不过的高山”。但每年有5万只蓑羽鹤是在进行地球上最艰难的迁徙。要到达它们在印度的越冬地,它们必须飞越喜马拉雅山。上午,狂风在山峰上呼啸。蓑羽鹤必须飞到足够的高度才能躲过风暴。它们遇到了强烈的气流。它们必须返回,否则就是死亡。新的一天,新的机会。它们彼此靠得很紧,互相呼唤着。由于缺乏食物和水,它们已经很弱,它们利用上升的暖气流帮助自己升高。