This one looks a little smaller. A solitary lion stands no chance but the whole pride is here. There are 30 of them, and they are specialist elephant hunters. This elephant will feed the whole pride for at least a week. Elephants know these drinking holes are dangerous, but they have no choice. The dramas that play out here are a savage reminder of how important water is for all life on these plains. As the dry season finally draws to a close Africa's baked savannas undergo a radical change. Rain sweeps across the continent and grass, the great survivor, rises again and the herds return. 这一头好像比较小一点。单打独斗不可能成功,狮子必须依靠群体的力量。有30多只狮子,它们还是捕象专家。这只大象足够这群狮子饱餐至少一周的时间。大象清楚水坑周围很危险,但它们没有别的选择。这一幕提醒我们水对于动物是何等的重要。旱季终于结束,被烘烤过的非洲草原将会发生巨大的变化。暴雨横扫整个大陆,草,这个伟大的幸存者又恢复了生机。成群的动物回来了。