In the darkness the tables turn. The elephant's night vision is little better than our own but lions have much more sensitive eyes. The cats are hungry and the elephants seem to sense it. Lions don't usually hunt elephants, but desperate times require desperate measures. This herd contains calves - easier targets. But how to reach them? The adults encircle their young. It's an impenetrable wall of grey. A few exhausted stragglers are still arriving. One of them is alone. But it's too big for the lions to tackle. 水坑另有其主了。大象在夜晚的视力和人相差无几,而狮子则有很好的夜视能力。狮子现在很饥饿,大象似乎有所察觉。狮子在通常情况下不会去捕猎大象,但是走投无路的时候也会铤而走险。这群大象里面有容易攻击的小象。但是怎么接近它们呢?大象把小象围住,形成一堵无法穿透的防护墙。这时几只掉队的大象姗姗来迟,其中一只落单了。但个头太大,狮子无法对付。