Elephants are in immediate danger. They must drink almost daily. Driven on by thirst, they march hundreds of miles across the parched plains. Relying on memory, the matriarchs lead their families to those special water holes that saved them in previous years. This one still has water but they must share what remains with desperately thirsty animals of all kinds. These are tense times. The elephants dominate the water hole but as night falls the balance of power will shift. Thirsty herds continue to arrive throughout the night. It's a cooler time to travel. 大象正处于危机之中。因为必须每天喝水,它们每天不得不在干旱的草原里走几百公里去寻找饮水。母象可以凭着记忆带着一家大小来到以前它们曾经喝过水的水坑,但是也有很多其他的动物。仅有的水源使气氛变得有些紧张。现在大象控制了水坑,但当夜晚降临时,控制权是会发生改变的。干渴的动物不断向这里聚集,因为凉爽的夜晚便于行走。