On the exposed plateau pikas never stray far from their burrows but even so, squatters will move in given half a chance. While ground peckers and snow finches can be a nuisance they're worth tolerating, because they provide a valuable early warning system. The bizarre Tibetan fox. The pika's nemesis. When stalking, it keeps below the skyline perhaps helped by its curious body shape. But why the square head? In summer, the Tibetan plateau heats up drawing in warm wet air from the south but the water never arrives. As the moist air approaches it's forced upwards by the Himalayas and condenses into huge rain clouds. 在裸露的高原上,鼠兔从不远离自己的洞穴,但即使如此,只要有半点儿机会,一些不请自到的外来者常常会到鼠兔的洞穴里光顾一番。虽然地山雀和雪雀可能有点儿讨厌,但鼠兔对它们采取了容忍的态度,因为它们有时会提供重要的早期预警。这是奇特的藏狐,鼠兔的天敌。在潜近猎物时,它会把身体放得低到你看不出它的轮廓。夏天,西藏高原温升高,这样南方的暖湿空气会补充进来,但却不会下雨。湿空气移近过程中,因喜马拉雅山而上升,上升过程中凝结成了巨大的雨云。