On temperate plains around the world summer is a time for growth and reproduction. Now the grass produces its flowers. New colours also come to the plains. The northern flowering is mirrored by the grasslands of the southern hemisphere. And nowhere is more impressive than on the belt of South Africa. Not all temperate plains are so rich and colourful in the summer. This is midsummer on the Tibetan Plateau the highest great plain in the world. Despite the conditions, grass survives, and in sufficient quantities to support the highest of all grazing herds those of the wild yak. Even in summer life is hard. Temperatures rarely rise above freezing, and the air is thin. 在全世界所有的温带草原上,夏天都是动物们生长和繁殖的季节。此时草原上鲜花盛开,大地披上了盛装,南半球的草原花开和北半球的一样,而令人印象更深刻的还是南非的草原。并不是所有的温带草原在夏天都如此丰饶,如此绚丽多彩。这是盛夏时节的西藏高原,全世界海拔最高的草原。尽管条件恶劣,但草还是顽强地生长着,而且足以维持海拔最高地区的食草动物野牦牛的生存。即使在夏天生活也是艰难的,气温很少高于解冻的温度,而且空气稀薄。