Biting flies and the quest for new pasture drives the migration ever onwards. A wolf has finally picked up the trail. The caribou are close. At last, a chance. The hunt is on. The wolf panics the herd, and the weak and young are singled out. A calf is separated from its mother. At the goose colony it's high summer and eggs are hatching. The young all emerge within a day or two. A marvel of timing. The colony is now home to a million goslings. The fox is still gathering all she can get. Sometimes one mouth simply isn't enough. One will have to do. Not all food is stored. Some is needed right now. She has seven hungry cubs to feed. 蚊蝇不断地叮咬,同时要寻找新的草场,所以驯鹿会一直不停地往前走。一只狼终于发现了驯鹿的踪迹,它们就在不远的地方,机会终于到来,捕猎开始了。狼先给驯鹿群造成恐慌,这样在慌乱的奔跑中,弱小者就可能会掉队。果然一只小驯鹿和妈妈失散了。 这时雪雁的领地正处于仲夏时节,蛋正在孵化,小雁一两天之内就会出壳。它们几乎就是像在同一时刻破壳而出,真令人惊奇。北极狐正在尽可能多地收集食物,有时一张嘴都不够用了,贪心太大,到头来收获却最小。并不是所有食物都要藏起来,有些要马上吃掉,这不成问题,它有7个嗷嗷待哺的孩子。