It's a long way to travel, but for a short period the tundra is the ideal place for a grazer. The grass grows vigorously during the short intense summer and there are fewer predators than further south. Here, geese can nest on the ground in relative safety nonetheless this female must incubate her eggs for three weeks and throughout this time she will be very vulnerable. An arctic fox surveys the colony. She's been waiting for the geese all winter. Sneaking up unnoticed is impossible. Perhaps fortune will favour the bold. The colony is well defended. There are no easy pickings here. She's driven away from every nest, but hunger compels her to continue. 虽然迁徙的路途遥远,但是每年的一段时间内,北极冻原是一片理想的草场。草在短暂的夏天会长得十分茂盛,而且食肉动物也相对较少。在这里雪雁可以在地上筑巢,不过,这只母雁要花三周的时间孵蛋,在这段时间里,她不免要受到一些打扰。一只北极狐一直在关注着这里的一切。它整个冬天,都在等待着雪雁的到来。偷偷靠近不被发现是很难做到的,有时偷袭不得不转为强攻,整个领地都被严密地防护着,轻易得手谈何容易,它被一次又一次地从巢穴边赶走,但饥饿迫使它坚持下去。