It's a desolate silent wilderness but it's about to change. Snow geese. They winter along the Gulf of Mexico and in spring they fly the entire length of North America to reach the Arctic tundra. 5 million birds make this journey every year. Their marathon migration is almost 3,000 miles long and has taken them three months. Exhausted and starving, they touch down inside the Arctic Circle back at their traditional breeding grounds at last. Snow geese pair for life. As soon as couples arrive, they must stake a claim to a nesting patch. Ideal sites are in short supply and quarrelsome neighbours are all around. Disputes can be vicious. Point taken. 现在的旷野上看不到动物的踪迹,一片寂静,但情况很快就会发生改变。雪雁来了,它们在墨西哥湾一带过冬。春天它们会飞越整个北美大陆来到北极冻原。每年有500万只雪雁进行这种长途迁徙,它们的迁徙距离近5000公里,整个旅程需要3个月的时间。又累又饿的雪雁,终于回到了北极圈内,回到了它们传统的繁殖地,雪雁终生一夫一妻,一到达这里,它们就必须马上寻找筑巢的地方。理想的地方很少,到处都可看到,为争地盘而争吵的邻居,有时争吵得十分激烈,左邻右舍不免要动些拳脚,