Because it grows from a protected part at the base of its stems, grass is almost indestructible. Able to repair and reproduce itself rapidly it covers more of the earth's land than any other plant and feeds more wildlife than any other. Red-billed quelea, one and a half billion swarm across the savannahs of Africa. These are the most numerous birds on earth. Some flocks are so vast, that they can take five hours to pass overhead. Only grass can feed plagues of these proportions. The ravenous hordes devour the seeds and the leaves and stems are cropped by great herds of antelope. The East African savannahs alone sustain nearly 2 million wildebeest. 青草是从草根上长出来的,因为火烧不死草根,草几乎是无法摧毁的。红嘴奎利亚雀,在非洲的稀树草原上,它的数量达15亿之多,是地球上数量最多的鸟。有些鸟群大到需要5个小时才能从你的头顶上飞过去。只有草才能养活如此庞大的群体。饥饿的鸟群以草的种子为食,而羚羊则吃草叶和草茎,仅东非的草原就养活了近200万只角马。