It's a very risky business. With virtually no safety equipment and using ladders made from forest vines the gatherers climb into the highest reaches of the cave often more than 60 metres from the floor. The work may be hazardous in the extreme, but the rewards are great. The pure white nests of cave swiftlets are the main ingredient of birds' nest soup and gramme for gramme are worth as much as silver. As soon as its nest is removed a bird will immediately build another. So, as long as this valuable harvest is properly controlled, the colonies will continue to flourish. 这是一种非常危险的行业。取燕窝者不用任何安全装置,只凭藤制的梯子爬到溶洞的最顶层,高度经常超过地面60米。虽然极度危险,但回报也是非常丰厚的。这种纯白的金丝燕燕窝是燕窝汤的主要原料。巢穴被取走之后,穴金丝燕会马上再建一个,只要这种获利丰厚的行业得到适当控制,金丝燕的群体就会继续繁盛。