Surprisingly, snow here never melts. The air is just too cold and too dry for it to do so. The sun's rays turn it straight into vapour. It evaporates. But it is the only source of water, so Bactrian camels eat it. Elsewhere in the world a camel at a waterhole can drink as much as 200 litres during a single visit. Here the strategy is to take little and often, and with good reason, for filling the stomach with snow could be fatal. The camels must limit themselves to the equivalent of just ten litres a day. Winter is the time for breeding. This extraordinary performance is a male Bactrian camel's way of attracting the attention of a passing female. 你不会想到,这儿的雪从不融化,因为空气太寒冷太干燥,无法让雪融化,太阳的光芒,让它直接变成了水蒸气,使它蒸发掉,但雪是仅有的水源,所以双峰驼不得不吃雪,在世界其它地方,一只骆驼一次可以喝进200升水,而在这里,它们只能采取少吃多餐的策略,理由很简单,肚子里装满雪会有致命危险,它们必须控制在每天10升左右,冬天是它们繁殖的季节,这种奇特的表演是雄性双峰驼为了吸引路过的异性。