When competitors are evenly matched as they are here, duels can last for an hour. In this heat the effort is truly exhausting. But victory here will gain important ranking points on a male's way to the top. There's so much at stake that not all play fair. The battle has produced the winner, but the ultimate prize is not his yet. That currently belongs to the dominant male ibex. His rank earns him the loyalty of a harem of females and they follow him closely as he travels across this desert searching for food and water. He doesn't have to waste time looking for mates. They're his for the taking, so he can concentrate with them on keeping fit and healthy. 像目前这种势均力敌的情况下,决斗可能持续一小时之久,在这种酷热的时候,这种争斗十分耗费体力,但胜利会使一只公山羊,拥有建立自己家族的机会,因为胜负太重要,所以并不是所有决斗者,都能公平竞争,胜利者产生了,但最高礼物还不能属于它,目前它属于地位最高的公山羊,它的地位使它有一群忠诚的,雌性追随者,她们紧跟着它,随着它跋涉沙漠,寻找食物和水它不用浪费时间去找配偶,因为它可以随意挑选,有她们在身边,它现在只注意自己的体魄和健康。