Generations of choosy females have driven the evolution of these remarkable displays. The more extravagant a male is, the more likely he'll be noticed. New Guinea lies in a warm tropical belt that girdles our planet around the equator. With abundant rainfall and 12 hours of daylight 365 days a year, it's here that rainforests flourish. Surprisingly only 2% of the sunlight filters down to the forest floor. Down here seedlings struggle to grow but the gloom is not eternal. The death of a forest giant is always saddening but it has to happen if the forest is to remain healthy. 一代又一代挑剔的雌鸟促进了这些优美表演的发展。雄鸟越华丽越有可能受到雌鸟的青睐。新几内亚地处横跨地球赤道的热带地区,一年365天中每天都有12个小时的日照。雨林生长繁茂,令人惊奇的是只有2%的阳光透过树林照射到地面上。在地面上植物的幼苗艰难地生长,但是幽暗并不是永不消退。一颗大树死掉总是令人伤心的,但是只有这样才能使森林永葆青春。