These large tree frogs spend most of their lives in the high canopy and only come down when it's time to breed. Once settled, they begin to serenade their unseen females. Now it's time for the females to make their move. There's no shortage of suitors, but this female has already made her choice. She's heading towards the loudest call, because loud calls come from big frog and big is best, but to reach him she must run the gauntlet of a gang of smaller suitors. Their only chance of mating is to make a sneaky interception. He's scored. But with more females arriving all the time, it's not over until the fat frog stops singing. 雄性栗红眼蛙大部分时间生活在很高的树冠上,只有到了繁殖季节才从树上下来。安定下来之后它们就开始为自己从未见过面的雌蛙唱小夜曲了。现在到了雌蛙采取行动的时候了。求爱者有的是,不过这只雌蛙已经确定了自己的选择。它朝着最响亮的声音走去,因为响亮的声音是由大个雄蛙发出的,个大就是好的选择。但是要到达大个雄蛙那里它必须经受一群个头较小的雄蛙的纠缠,它们与雌蛙交配的唯一希望就是采取突然截击的办法。它已经成功地交配,但是雌蛙不断地到来,直到那只硕大的雄蛙停止歌唱。