This is our planet's hothouse. The jungle. The tropical rainforest. Forests like these occupy only 3% of the land yet they're home to over half of the world's species. But how do so many different kinds of plants and animals find the space here to live alongside one another? On the dark, humid forest floor the jungle appears to be lifeless. Often the only signs of life are what you hear. A male blue bird of paradise is advertising for a mate. It's quite a performance but he's not the only bird of paradise here keen to make an impression. There are nearly 40 different kinds on the island of New Guinea each with a display seemingly more bizarre than the rest. 这是我们地球的温室,丛林,热带雨林。像这样的森林只占全球陆地的3%,然而在这里生活的物种却占全世界物种总数的一半以上。但是这么多不同种类的植物和动物是如何在这里生活的呢?在阴暗潮湿的地面上丛林似乎没有什么生气,唯一的生命迹象是你听到的生命。雄性的蓝极乐鸟正在寻找配偶。表演很精彩,但是它不是唯一一只急于给异性留下好印象的极乐鸟。新几内亚岛上有近四十种不同的极乐鸟,每一种的表演似乎都比另外一种更令人称奇。